Video / New Zealand
Dick Squad 2K — 2UP Party
What goes up must come down. A Squad 2 up party at Wellington’s Cenotaph. You can’t go past a good manual pad.
Posted 21 Jan 2021
Behind the smoke of social media, he’s one of the most humble and kind hearted people. I was introduced to Lenard when he was freshly 15. He didn’t say much, but god he knew how to skate. In the three years since, I’ve been lucky enough to document him throwing his carcass down the most gnarly spots, ones you’d walk past and think, ‘yeah right’. There’s no doubt that he’s one of New Zealand’s best skateboarders with one of the brightest futures. Competing in Tampa Am, releasing an international video part, and landing a spot on Adidas Australia’s roster.
What’s next for Lenard? | Kingsley Attwood