News / Australian Video
Pass~Port x Vans “Fitzy Plaza” Video
Some well-placed brickwork and obstacle destruction from Melbourne’s plaza elite.
Posted 19 May 2019
Starring Sam Sutton, Callum Paul, Adelaide Norris, Michael Miernsynski, Yuma Takei, Kevin Shealy and Matthiew Lucas-d’souza. Filmed and Edited By Jonathan Fitzgerald. Produced By Trent Evans and Jonathan Fitzgerald. Additional Filming By Geoff Campbell, Johnathan Flechas, Daniel Dent, Majick Templeton, Kenji Haruta, George Kousoulis, Tim Cobden and Redd Sarson. Animations and Titles By Samuel Thornton and Harry Green. HI8 Footage By John Green. Guest Digby Luxton, Simon Zuzic and Jack Kirk.
Made to celebrate this shoe release.