Beachy B! How are you? What’s going on?
Good mate. I’m doing a bit of work this weekend on the tools. Just on smoko at the cafe across the road from the job. I feel like I’m never not on the tools. [Laughs]
Is it a big job, or is it turn up, swing a hammer and send the invoice?
I’m actually building a studio cyc’ wall for Mark (Lahood) in exchange for his services. Once I’ve finished building it, he’s going to make some video content for my carpentry business. Maybe a fresh logo, too.
“You’ve just got to be hungry enough to put in the work and want to skate them”
Good deal. Other than that, have you been busy workwise? It seems like there’s an infinite amount of chippy work out there at the moment.
Yup. I recently walked off this dunga job site and had a heap of smaller jobs back to back doing some really enjoyable carpentry work — a few finishing lines and a new entryway for this lovely couple. It makes me really happy doing that sort of work. The other jobs were fast-paced and a bit more “bash bash, get the cash” with no pride. I’m not really into that. I like to take a bit of pride in my work.
For sure, that’s good to hear. How’s the family doing? You’ve got a recent addition — “Bobbi Buna Beauchamp”.
She’s doing good. She’s teething at the moment, so there are plenty of sleepless nights. Arlo thinks he’s 16, basically telling me what’s up. But I’m like, “Cool, thanks, mate. You’re actually 6”. As for Phoenix, she’s staunch!
She stands over me, telling me what to do. [Laughs] But we’re all happy and healthy over here — it’s good.

Feature and above photos by Ben D’Ath.
How’s Taranaki been recently?
It’s just raining a bunch here at the moment, but I try to get out skating between dry spells. We’ve started a Sunday session with a couple of the older crew here and try to hit a few spots most Sundays. Puff (Ben Morice) just got a camera, and he’s going to make a video. I’m just keen to film and have fun with the lads.
I’ve seen you post the crew skating a few new gems around the ‘Naki. How is it finding spots there? You’ve sent me a few photos of some absolute relics that require a bit of work.
That spot is just out of the ‘Naki at Waitara. So fun! Perfect ledges and manny pads. There are a bunch of spots around — new and old — you’ve just got to be hungry enough to put in the work and want to skate them.
What does it mean to be a “Good Boy”?
For Beachy, I’d say staying off the piss. Zero. None. No grog. I am just having wholesome times with my kids and watching them grow. All while hitting the quota with you.
That was the next question! Tell the people what you’re talking about when you say “quota”. What is Beacho’s quota?
Filming clips! The average was like 6 or 7 a day. There was one trip to Auckland where we got around 12 over a day and a half.

Pop-shuvit nosegrind, Aotea Square, Auckland. Photo by Kingsley Attwood.
That’s right. That was one of your first trips up to Auckland, and I couldn’t believe it. Every filmers dream. Every clip you filmed was usable for the video. No offcuts. Quota exceeded, job done, send the invoice.
[Laughs] We’d probably have more photos for this interview if we had a photographer that weekend. I remember Scotty started taking photos on his camera towards the end of the day.
Oh dear, they probably won’t see the light of day. Rumour has it he had the lens cap on the whole time.
[Laughs] Just throwing everyone under the bus in this interview, eh?
“I’ve kinda done a lot of growing up this past year and taken responsibility for all my actions and stupid shit I’ve done.”
It’s apparent in this part that you are still an avid jumper. What’s the key to jumping down big shit in your mid-thirties?
A massive one is not drinking. I still feel I’m pretty young at heart, too. Growing up skating, all I really knew was just to jump off things. You know, just dumb stuff — big stairs, big drops. Just jump.
I know what you mean. Everyone goes through that stage at some point, but it looks like it just stuck for you.
For sure, but yeah, not drinking. I feel plenty of stretching is a big one. Not eating shit food and watching your diet. A bit of self-love helps, too. Massages and acupuncture go a long way for the recovery side of things. People always hit me with the classic.“You’re too old” and you’ve gotta say, “Fuck up. Watch this!” And let the jumping commence.

Frontside lipslide 180 out, Auckland. Photo by Kingsley Attwood.
You never really seem to muck around when it comes to landing stuff. What do you reckon was the most difficult thing you filmed for this project?
It’s definitely the line with the two big spins. I hate filming lines — they drain the life out of me — just the repetitiveness of it all. Trying to land the first trick to bring the moral up, then missing the next, just does my head in. It sucked, but I’m really proud of myself for it.
“Fuck, I have a problem. I need to sort this out”
2023’s most improved line skater goes to.
[Laughs] Also, those two stairs in a row on Queen Street. The fakie ollie then fakie heel. I remember that taking its toll [on me].
But that was the last spot of the weekend and post-hucking-all-day. We’ll cut you some slack on that one.
To answer your question, though, throughout filming with you, I felt physically good and mentally clear-minded, so most things didn’t become too much of a battle.
What’s the key to landing your tricks so quickly?
I just visualise that I’ve already landed it in my head and just tell myself I’ve got to do it. Quitting drinking has helped a bunch, too. I wouldn’t have been able to do half the things I’ve done if I was still Ol’ Beachy on the piss.

Ollie, West Auckland. Photo by Kingsley Attwood.
How long have you been sober for now? I remember you showed me that app that keeps track of it for you.
As of this interview right now, 470 days, 13 hours, 32 minutes and 26 seconds.
And counting! Proud of you, mate. That’s bloody epic.
Thanks mate. It wasn’t like “Dry July” or any of those gimmicks this time. I crashed my car and realised, “Fuck, I have a problem. I need to sort this out”. I’ve tried to go sober plenty of times, but then I’d end up telling myself some excuse like, “I don’t miss alcohol. I just miss having a drink”, and then it’s back to square one.
But this time, I’d upset my family, and it was time to get sober. Not drinking for me is probably the best thing I’ve done in my life. The thought of alcohol now makes me feel sick. I don’t hate it. If you can have a beer and get on with your day, good for you, go for it. But personally, for me, after a few drinks, it was like a switch went off in my head, and I needed to drink all the alcohol around me and get maggot. I’ve kinda done a lot of growing up this past year and taken responsibility for all my actions and stupid shit I’ve done.
“Nowadays, instead of going out to drink 50 beers, we’re going out to film 50 clips and get the quota!”
Now that’s a Good Boy.
But nowadays, instead of going out to drink 50 beers, we’re going out to film 50 clips and get the quota!
[Laughs] That’s the one! What was the last part you filmed for?
That would have been around 2018 for a Parliament [Skate Shop] part. When T-Buns (Trent Riley) passed away, I was drinking badly and taking drugs to try and cope with it. I had another stint of being sober in Australia and wanted to film a part for him. I started filming with Harry Pascoe and had a bit of footage, but then I moved to New Zealand and never got to finish it properly. He ended up making a sick web clip with all the lads in it. This time, after quitting drinking again in NZ, I really wanted to film the best part I could for T-Buns. Working on this has really helped me stay on the straight and narrow. Filming with you as well has been the best. You’re just honest when it comes to filming shit. Being told a trick is dunga and to save it for another spot has been beneficial for the body.

Backside 180 jump in Auckland. Photo by Scott Lai.
[Laughs] Cheers, mate. It’s only because I feel I can be super honest with you. It’s been the best of times working on this with you. It’s funny we finished filming and editing it a while ago now, and I rewatched it the other day for the first time in a while and caught myself almost tearing up. [Laughs] There’s just too much nostalgia and homesickness.
When you sent that to me in a message, I started to tear up thinking of all the good times we had filming this video.
We’ll have to do it together soon. Anyway, before we get too emotional, are there any quick thank you’s before we wrap this up?
I’d like to thank Scotty Lai for my bedroom whenever I come to Auckland. You for filming me and being a good mentor. Ben D’ath and Kingsley Attwood for getting out and shooting photos. Christian Low for coming out skating on weekends with us — [he’s my] favourite skateboarder! I’d like to thank my wife for letting me live my life and allowing me to go out skating and have fun with my friends. And lastly, I’d like to thank my beautiful children for being so crazy and keeping me on my toes. Love them!
Good boy! Love ya and miss ya. Talk soon, mate!
Beacho rides for Polar Skateboards, Worship and Parliament Skate Shop. @beachy_bee
Chase Collins is a skateboarder, filmer, photographer and former NZSOTY (2015) residing in Sydney, Australia. @chase__collins