It’s been quieter than usual on the Manual Mag front. Here’s what is happening and why.

After repeatedly pushing the deadline for Manual Magazine Issue 72, I decided to postpone it until later this year. It was supposed to come out in early April this year, but now it will be released in early November 2024. My aim is to return to normal biannual production in 2025.

In December 2023, a month or so after our last issue was released, my whanau faced some challenges that significantly changed (and continues to impact) their day-to-day lives. For me, this meant stepping up my focus on my two young daughters, being there for them even more than I already was, and putting other things, like Manual, aside.

In April 2024, I also returned to full-time work, as I had from 2016 to 2023, while keeping Manual alive (for the most part).

Reveal: You need another income to make a skateboard magazine in little awesome Aotearoa.

Time is precious, and how I use it has become even more important over the last 6-8 months. My children have and will continue to come first. Things will hopefully stabilise over the next few months, and we can return to some kind of balance where the people close to me can be supported, I can find time to focus on my own health and well-being, and I can continue to bring Manual to the world.

I apologise to Manual’s supporters, readers, subscribers, contributors, and advertisers for the delays and scarce and changing communication during this time. The mag wouldn’t be what it is without you.


Your subscriptions are based on how many magazines you receive. These will continue according to what you’ve purchased. When you receive the magazines is the only thing that will change. If you want to discuss anything about your subscription, please contact us with your questions along with your name and address.


Thank you so much for your patience. I’m deeply sorry for the constant runaround this year. We want to carry on with the content we’ve already committed to and will be reviewing any other submissions in the coming weeks. Please get in touch if anything has changed with your submissions. The new editorial deadline for Manual 72 is September 13, 2024.


I thank those of you who have committed to issue 72 dearly. Let’s chat about the new timing and your placements. To everyone else, please get in touch if you want to be involved in our special piece of skateboarding. I’ll come knocking soon. The new advertising booking deadline for Manual 72 is October 2, 2024.

Thank you so much to Eva, Suvi, Connor, and the rest of Manual’s and my family for everything during this time.


David Read, co-founder and chief doer of Manual Magazine.


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