Exclusive / Aotearoa New Zealand
Watch “Bitter Sweet” by Jake Oh
Auckland’s Jakob Hayward, Marco Len, Tyler Wells and friends feature in Jake Oh’s new animated and skateboard short film.
Posted 24 May 2024
With appearances from: Liv Lovelace, Kai Shimakage, Riwaz Kazi, Jack Paterson, Karl Dorman, Jett Stanton, Theo Clarke, Charlie Aubery, Richard Moore, Pete Lewis, Billy Lukins, Zack Lycos, Jethro Coldwell, Tiago Lemos, Cody Riley, and Jake Hayes.
Filmed & Edited by: George Kousoulis (@zoolz)
Directed By: Cameron Sparkes (@sparkessydney)
Photography: Sam Coady (@samcoady_)