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Sick but Suck – Sour Skateboards
Incredible leftovers from the Sour Solution II video.
Posted 12 Apr 2019
Featuring Chey Ataria, Lenard Tejada, Adelar Scherb, Josh Swinard, Simon Thorp, Jesse Abolins-Reid, Justice Reid, Fynn Thomas, Dan Kapoki, Brett Chan, Tiomai and Deacon King.
“Skateboard videos have too much skateboarding in them. I’m into portraying people. When you see how they are interesting characters and then when you see that they skate also, it makes the skateboarding better. I like the vibe where you see a session going down, and you want to be there cause it looks fun, wild or a high level of activity. Obviously, it helps to be good on a skateboard, but for me, it’s the personalities that gravitate me toward skateboarders.” — Brett Chan